Tea as a beauty product

Amongst the many calming, de stressing and enjoyable characteristics of tea, many are known to work as a beauty enhancer. 1.Senok Rose Tea Rose tea is considered to be ‘natural retinol’ when used topically on the skin, but there are also major benefits to drinking it. Roses feed your body with vitamin A and antioxidants

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Other uses for old tea bags!

The world’s favorite beverage has been known for its medicinal, comforting and feel good properties. Here are some hacks that use tea bags around your home, for after you’ve enjoyed your relaxing brew. 1. Rebrew old tea bags! Re- Brew old tea bags and let the brew cool. Put it into a spritzer bottle and

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BARA-GEBURT – WELSH-TEE-BROT Hergestellt aus reinem srilankischen “Senok Tee” Dies ist ein köstlich schmeckendes Brot ohne Hefe, das durch Einweichen von getrockneten gemischten Früchten in schwarzen Tee hergestellt wird. Earl Grey Tea verleiht dem Brot auch einen wunderbaren exotischen Geschmack. Ein walisisches Rezept, das oft zur Tea-Time serviert wird und die Scheiben mit Butter bestrichen.

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Bara Birth – Welsh Tea Bread

BARA BIRTH – WELSH TEA BREAD Made with Pure Sri Lankan “Senok Tea” This is a delicious tasting unyeasted bread made by soaking dried mixed fruit in black tea. Earl grey tea gives the bread a wonderful exotic taste too. A Welsh recipe that is often served at Tea-Time and the slices spread with butter.

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BARA BIRTH – WELSH TEA BREAD Made with Pure Sri Lankan “Senok Tea” This is a delicious tasting unyeasted bread made by soaking dried mixed fruit in black tea. Earl grey tea gives the bread a wonderful exotic taste too. A Welsh recipe that is often served at Tea-Time and the slices spread with butter.

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